PPP190: Ten Things You Need to Know about Beethoven’s Für Elise
Today is April 27, 2020. Listen to this week's episode to learn why this is the perfect date to learn ten things you should know about Beethoven's Für Elise. Listen to the full episode here 1. Inscribed with a specific date. Dated April 27, 1810 - 210 years ago 2. Please wait before you try to learn to play it. Not a first year piece - Let's just get that out of the way. Parents recognize the first part of this piece and request that their kids learn it. 3. Who was Elise? The mystery of Elise - friend or sweetheart or student of a sweetheart? Elisabeth Rockel - who played Florestan in the 1806 revival of Beethoven's opera Fidelio. She was called "Elise"by a parish priest and had been a…