PPP221: Teacher Interview Spotlight on Dorothy Yan, Tony Parlapiano, and Marvin Blickenstaff

This is the next to last episode for 2020. Last week we ran down some of the most popular episodes of the year so this week I thought we would highlight some of the wonderful teacher interviews. 

In the podcast, you will hear short excerpts from each of my interviews with Dorothy Yan, Tony Parlapiano, and Marvin Blickenstaff. If you scroll through the show notes below, you will find links to listen to their original interviews in full.

Listen to the full episode here

In PPP201, we learned about listening from Dorothy Yan

Dorothy currently teaches at the Musical Arts Center in San Antonio, Texas as well as the University of Texas at San Antonio but her musical journey started when she was eight years old.

In PPP184, Tony Parlapiano taught us to follow the student's interests

Tony Parlapiano is a piano instructor and the creator of popMATICS, a concept based music curriculum that approaches learning by listening and reading through writing. 

Visit the show notes page for Tony’s interview here.

Listen to his full interview below.

In PPP205, we learned about shaping the sound with Marvin Blickenstaff

Marvin Blickenstaff rightly says, “Music is a lot more than playing the right notes and playing the right rhythm. Music is basically expressive sound. The reason for music’s existence is to express who we are as human beings and the feelings that we have as we go through life’s journey.”

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