PPP 290: Ten Teacher Gift Ideas for Summer (or graduation)

With the end of another school year just around the corner, you may be thinking of a way to let your teacher know how much you appreciate the knowledge and relationship they share with your piano kid.

On today’s show, you will hear what kinds of gifts piano teachers enjoy receiving.

Listen to the full episode here

Since I am only one person with my own specific opinion, I decided to ask my piano teacher friends what kinds of gifts they enjoy receiving.

Most of the items fell into two basic categories: personal gifts and gifts for the studio. 


Personal Items

Items for the Studio

  • Post-it notes
  • Music-themed mugs, shirts, decor, etc.
  • Concert tickets
  • Stationary
  • Pens, markers, highlighters


Final thoughts

I don’t think a gift needs to be elaborate or expensive; it just needs to be thoughtful.

Letting your piano teacher know how much you appreciate their work even through a text or a friendly smile is often all we need to feel that our work is worthwhile.

Thanks for listening!

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