MARCH 2021 Practice Incentive
A brand new P3 practice incentive is here for Mach 2021!
Listen to episode 229 on February 22 to hear all the details. Stay tuned!
For our March Practice Incentive, I’ve created a few BINGO cards with practice prompts on them. One square says, “Perform with your eyes closed”, another says, “Perform for someone online”. Keeping with the times, there are squares to remind piano kids to clean their piano keys and sanitize their hands. Or course there is a square to take a piano selfie on our special day, March 29th (the 88th day of the year)!
Grab your FREE March Pianogram BINGO cards below. Right click each image to copy it to your computer.

March BINGO Flyer
Use this in your studio or share in your stories to let students know what's coming in March.

BINGO - Elementary Card
This free supplement card is a great way to encourage beginning students.

BINGO Blue - Practice Card
With fun prompts like "Practice in your PJ's" and "Perform for someone online", this card will keep your piano kids coming back to the piano.

BINGO While - Practice Card
Identical to the blue bingo practice card, the white one is great for printing hard copies for students who want to use stickers to mark their practices.
While I’ve made the March Pianogram BINGO cards available to you. Exactly HOW you use them is entirely up to you. You can have an in-house contest to see which piano kid BINGOs first. You could get involved in the game with your piano kids (In fact, I’ve got a special edition BINGO card for piano parents. Sign up at the form below.)
Piano teachers, you can host a studio-wide challenge and post results on your studio’s Facebook page or website. I know there are several studio apps that allow you to create challenges within the app. Post a BINGO card and have your students annotate theirs as they score practice squares and then share the completed card once they get five squares in a row. You may have to set your own ground rules as well, like, you can only mark up to two squares per day. This will encourage practice sessions over a series of days rather than cramming all their practices into the day before their lesson.
Really, you are only limited by your imagination.
Time to Celebrate!
Use the cards below to celebrate scoring a BINGO (earn 5 practice squares in a row) and for taking your Piano Day selfie on March 29th. Right click the image to copy to your computer.

Take a selfie with your piano kid when they score a BINGO!! Post it on social with the hashtag #pppPianogram so we can all celebrate with you.

Happy Piano Day!!
March 29, 2021 is the 88th day of the year; a very special day for piano players!! Take a photo with your piano on this day to collect a BINGO square.
Get your Special Edition BINGO cards
Complete the form below to join the list to receive all the special edition BINGO cards. There is a “get SMART” edition card, a “Create your Own” card, a Parent edition card, and a Teacher edition card.
If you use practice incentives in your piano studio, this one is sure to get your piano students motivated to get to the piano and practice!
The UPDATED March Pianogram Challenge is a lot of fun!
2020 was a leap year so the 88th day of the year fell on March 28th. I’ve updated the March Pianogram list if you’d like to do it again in 2021. Piano Day is March 29th in 2021. I always love to see how people interpret each prompt!

The 2020 March Pianogram Challenge can give you and your piano kid a new, fun reason to get to the piano

The various prompts that Dawn Ivers and I put together will give your child a new incentive to sit down at the piano. They will also spark some ideas for creativity. Here are a few ideas for some of the prompts.
Day 20 – Lento (a musical term indicating a slow tempo) you can photograph part of your child’s music indicating to play slowly or you could think outside the box and take a photo of a turtle or a snail.
Day 1 – Piano Practice Space This is a great prompt for piano teachers to request of their students. You can learn a lot about why a student isn’t progressing by taking a look at their practice space. If they have a portable keyboard that rests on the floor, no wonder they aren’t interested in practicing! Crouching down on the floor can get very old very quickly. Even acoustic pianos can be in poor working order and a photo will help you know the condition of the student’s piano so you can advise the parents if a replacement is needed.
Day 8 – Teacher & Me Selfie This one is just plain cute!
Day 6 – Piano Hands Photo Another excellent way to let your piano teacher know how your child is practicing at home or to show your piano kid that they are not using their hands as efficiently as they should be. If your child is playing with straight, stiff fingers they are creating tension that could result in pain or injury. Who wants to practice under those conditions?
Day 28 – PIANO DAY!!! This is the 88th day of 2020! What better way to celebrate Piano Day than to get yourself to the piano and play! Have fun on this day and send us your pictures.
I hope you will take advantage of this fun practice/photo challenge for the month of March. You can share your pictures and see other fun photos on Facebook and Instagram by searching #PPPpianogam.