PPP 357: Teacher Chat with Becki Laurent and Clinton Pratt: Artful Dodges in Piano Lessons
What's your best deflection technique? Sometimes I'll answer a question with another question to avoid giving an uncomfortable answer.What's your piano kid's best deflection technique? Do they try to memorize all their music to avoid sight reading? Do they blame the metronome when they aren't able to play along with it?Learn some common "artful dodges" in today's teacher chat with Becki Laurent and Clinton Pratt.Click here to find other teacher chats. Listen to the full episode here Resources mentioned in the show Notation resources for arranging and orchestration:SibeliusNotionNoteflightMusescoreMetronome resources:Sound BrennerSpeakbeatSuperMetronome Groove BoxBecki shared these stickers from Trevor and Andrea Dow's Teach Piano Today website:Hand Position Labels Keyboard Labels Key Labels Practice Routine LabelsTo find hundreds of other printable resources visit www.TeachPianoToday.com. Connect with ... Reach out to Becki Laurent atStudio…