PPP183: Spring 100 Practice Challenge

Spring is springing around here! Trees are budding. After lots of rain and gray skies, the clouds have parted and we’re enjoying blue skies and sunshine.

Just like changes in seasons, the practice needs of our piano kids change too.
Fall – new school year, reestablish practice habits
Winter holidays – more family time, more opportunities to share the gift of music.
Spring – semester winding down, preparing for the big finale

Listen to the full episode here

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!” Hunter S. Thompson, American author

Let’s finish this semester with a bang!

You can't do it for them

Beth Hughes mentioned in her parent interview (PPP042) that playing the piano is not like homework or a science fair project, where parents can give their children lots of hands on help.

We simply cannot go sit on the piano bench for our child at the piano recital. This is something they have to do on their own.

One way we can help

The way you can help and really make a difference is by encouraging home practice.
Kids want the positive, successful recital experience but they often lack the self discipline to put in the consistent work that will lead to a successful performance.
Kids only see polished performances by professionals – football, concerts.
We have to teach them that level of excellence on the field or the stage only comes after a lot of hard work and dedication.

Mindless Practice is Meaningless

We don’t want practice that kills time or merely checks a box. We want practice that really moves our abilities and skill level forward.
Kids know this when they play a video game to level up. Each attempt teaches something new or builds a skill set and an ability to predict the next movement that improves their score.
That’s what we want from piano practice.
Level up!

Spring 100 Practice Challenge

I’ve been doing this practice challenge in my studio for the last few years and I am excited to share it with you.

This simple and free challenge is open to any piano kid who is working on a practicing goal this spring.

Parents and teachers may download one of the practice trackers (or multiple practice trackers) to use with their piano kid.

The purpose of the Spring 100 Practice Challenge is for students to track each time they play their targeted piece, up to 100 times.

In my studio, we are using the Spring 100 Practice Challenge to track the number of times students play their recital piece. When I started challenging my students a few years ago to play their recital piece 100 times before the spring recital, their confidence level and performance quality improved dramatically.

I don’t offer a prize or incentive for students who finish, other than to celebrate the moment and compliment them on their hard work and perseverance.

You, however, are welcome to offer your own incentive to your piano kid. In fact, once you download your practice tracker, you may customize the challenge, piece, and reward any way you like.

Choose your favorite practice tracker here

Spring 100 - Training


Click the photo to gain access and download that practice tracker.

Spring 100 - Flowers
Spring 100 - Raindrops

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