PPP179: Nurture vs Organic

There are lots of discussions about the Nature vs Nurture comparison. The question comes up often when we consider an adult’s choices or actions. Were they just born this way? Were they influenced by their parents, teachers, or classmates? I think that is an interesting topic but it is a much broader scope than what we will cover on today’s show.

Listen to the full episode here

Today, I want to focus specifically on your piano kid’s musical journey. Is it happening organically – just go with the flow or are you nurturing it and being intentional to help it grow and develop with your child?


Nurture – the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something. This is an expected adjective for parents, particularly mothers. We are nurturers. We notice when our children aren’t feeling well, physically or emotionally and we actively search out the problem and a solution.
Nurturing parents begin by making sure our babies are healthy and thriving. We feed them and change their diapers and keep them warm and help them sleep. We talk to them and teach them to crawl and then walk. As our children grow, our nurturing takes on a different goal. We begin to teach them to take care of themselves, to learn responsibility and accountability, to make wise decisions. If we don’t help our children make the transition from being nurtured by us to taking responsibility for themselves, we are no longer nurturing, we are hovering.
Organic – in terms of gardening or produce, this is something grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides. Organic refers to a living thing, an organism. Over the last few years, the term has been used to describe things that happen on their own, without interference. I’m trying to grow my social media platforms organically, I’m not paying a service to add followers on my Instagram account. You can find me @pianoparentpodcast if you are so inclined. (wink wink)
In terms of your piano kids musical journey, are you watching it take it’s course organically or are you nurturing it to produce a certain outcome?

What does an organic piano week look like?

What does an nurtured piano week look like?

Final Thoughts

You might be interested in listening to these podcasts from the PPP Archive.

This episode is sponsored by the Piano Parent Podcast 411 line. Call 903-871-5411 with your questions about piano lessons, motivating your piano kid to practice, musical concepts, or simply relating to your piano kid. Leave me a message on the 411 line and I will answer your questions on the air in an upcoming episode.

Thanks for listening!

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