PPP158: How to Actually Make Progress with Playing the Piano

As a producer of a podcast, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I am also an avid listener of podcasts. While listening to Pat Flynn’s “Smart Passive Income Podcast” recently, I discovered an interview that adapts extremely well to our piano kids.

Listen to the full episode here

Pat's interview with James Wedmore

In the Smart Passive Income Podcast’s episode number 376, Pat Flynn interviewed James Wedmore. I don’t know anything about James beyond what he and Pat talked about in their conversation but that alone was enough for me to want to share some insights I gained by listening to them. I think you would enjoy listened to that episode, too.

"Knowing isn't the same as having results"

When James said this, he was referring to business owners and entrepreneurs who spend more time learning about business than taking action within their business.

I think the same can be said of piano students. Many students spend all their piano time at their piano teacher’s piano but don’t put in time on their own piano. They enjoy piano lessons but don’t practice at home and do not see the results a piano parent would hope.

James says entrepreneurs confuse learning for the work. They listen to podcasts, enroll in courses, and watch YouTube videos and wonder why their business isn’t growing. They learn how other people are succeeding in business but don’t work on moving their own business forward.

Does that sound familiar? Does your piano kid love piano lessons and their piano teacher but put off practicing their piano assignment? Have they taken years of piano lessons but would shutter if someone asked them to demonstrate their piano skills?

Formula for making progress

James’ formula for progress for business owners:  1 part learning, 2 parts action, and 1 part reflection.

Shelly’s formula for progress for piano kids: 1 part learning (piano lesson), 5 parts action (at least 5 days of practice at home), and 1 part reflection (enjoy the music you are making and share it with others)

Piano parents are vital to the success of their children

Children are not inclined to voluntarily do the hard work. Parents have to teach them, help them, remind them to follow through on their personal responsibility.

As we guide our children, they will eventually become self-disciplined. Until that day arrives, it is our job to make sure students put their learning into action. Take the lessons they’ve learned from their teacher and apply them to their music and piano playing.

We're in this together!!

One of the reasons I produce this podcast each week is to come alongside you and help you as you help your piano kid. With that in mind, I have created a fun practice incentive that will making getting to the piano a little more enticing. 

The Fall Into Music Practice Challenge is designed to motivate your piano kids to get to the piano and practice at least 20 days during the month of September (or any time you choose during the fall season). With progress charts, practice buddies, silly selfie social shareables, and more, the Fall Into Music Practice Challenge is just the thing to get your fall semester off to a great start!

Complete the form below for more details.

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