Episode 017: Be Your Child’s Biggest Cheerleader

Be your child's biggest cheerleader!  


Listen to the full episode here

Episode Highlights:

45 Gratifying Facts about Thanksgiving

A little more about Sarah Hale, the Mother of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving makes me think of food, family and football.

Football makes me think of the Parent/Teacher/Student relationship (Episode 002)

The student is the player

The teacher is the coach

The parents are the cheerleaders!

Here is an excerpt from my studio policy:

Parental Involvement

Parents are welcome to attend weekly lessons at any time; provided the student is comfortable with that arrangement.  Parents can also show support by arranging a regular practice schedule on a quality instrument.  Be your child’s biggest fan and cheerleader.  Encourage your student to play for family and friends.  Tell them how much you enjoy hearing them play.  Tell them which songs you like and why.  Piano lessons require a great deal of discipline and that is best accomplished in a positive manner.  The following things do not work:  yelling at your child, using practice as punishment, comparing your child’s progress to someone else’s, or criticizing your child without also praising their strengths.

Music is for Sharing

Listen to music as you travel and let your child choose some of the songs on your playlist (Episode 010)

If there is a piano where you are traveling for the holidays:

Take your music books so your child can play a few of their favorite pieces for their grandparents.

Let your piano kid “teach” a relative one of their songs.

Collaborate with other family members for a Thanksgiving Concert!

If there is not a piano or you are not traveling for the holidays:

Use Skype or Facetime to call Grandma and Grandpa for a piano concert over the telephone.

There are few better cheerleaders than grandparents!!

Click here to get the free Memory Incentive Chart

The Song Sundae memory incentive is a sweet way to motivate your piano kid to memorize their piano pieces.

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